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What factors should be considered for customized museum display cabinets?
Date: 2023-04-10 Source: WD Display 0 0

When customizing museum display cases, multiple factors need to be considered, including material selection, structural design, safety protection, anti-theft design, lighting design, relevance to exhibition themes, temperature and humidity control, aesthetics, user-friendly design, maintenance, and compliance requirements. The design of display cases should take these factors into account to ensure quality and safety, and to better showcase the exhibits.

museum showcase design

Material selection:


In the customization of museum display cases, material selection is a crucial task that requires consideration of several factors, such as the nature of the exhibits, exhibition themes, and display case structures. Commonly used materials include tempered glass, acrylic, stainless steel, aluminum alloy, and solid wood, each with its own characteristics and advantages and disadvantages. For example, tempered glass has high transparency, but poor impact resistance, while acrylic has high impact resistance and high transparency but is susceptible to scratches. Material selection also needs to consider factors such as environmental friendliness, durability, and ease of cleaning.


Structural design:


The structural design of museum display cases is also a crucial task that requires reasonable design according to the nature of the exhibits and exhibition themes. For instance, heavy exhibits may require a steel frame structure to ensure stability and safety, while smaller exhibits may use multi-layered panel structures to increase display areas. Display case structural design also needs to consider factors such as sealing, air permeability, and ease of disassembly.


Safety protection:


The primary function of museum display cases is to protect the exhibits; thus, safety protection is an important factor that cannot be ignored in display case design. For example, display cases need to be equipped with anti-theft locks and explosion-proof glass to ensure effective protection of exhibits during display. In terms of safety protection, factors such as fire resistance and waterproofing also need to be considered to maximize the protection of exhibits.


Anti-theft design:


The value of exhibits displayed in museum display cases is often high; thus, anti-theft design is also a factor that needs to be considered in display case design. The design of display case locks, anti-theft sensors, and other components need to balance safety and aesthetics and not negatively impact the exhibit's beauty. Additionally, the materials and structures used in display case production should also consider anti-theft factors to enhance security.


Lighting design:


Lighting design is a crucial aspect of museum display case design. Proper lighting can better highlight the characteristics and beauty of exhibits and make them more vivid. Display case lighting needs to balance protecting the exhibits from light damage while ensuring adequate illumination. In designing display case lighting, the material and color of exhibits need to be considered, as well as the angle and distance of viewers.


Relevance to exhibition themes:


Exhibition themes are a crucial reference factor in display case design. Designers need to be creative according to exhibition themes to better showcase exhibits and integrate the display cases with the entire exhibition theme. For example, when designing display cases for modern art exhibitions, designers can use simple lines and materials full of modernity to highlight the artistic atmosphere of the exhibits.


Temperature and Humidity Control:


In the process of museum exhibitions, temperature and humidity control are also critical factors. The design of display cases needs to consider the control of temperature and humidity inside the case to ensure that exhibits are displayed in the best possible environment. For example, for exhibits that are sensitive to humidity, a constant humidity device needs to be used inside the display case to control humidity and prevent problems such as dampness and decay. At the same time, the ventilation and circulation system inside the display case also needs to be considered to maintain air flow and freshness.

Internal system of museum showcase

Aesthetic Appeal:


The aesthetic appeal of museum display cases is also an important consideration in their design. Display cases need to attract the attention of visitors, allowing them to better appreciate the exhibits. Therefore, when designing display cases, the display effect and visual impact need to be considered, and different display methods and angles should be used according to the characteristics of different exhibits.


User-Friendly Design:


The design of museum display cases also needs to consider the user experience and human factors. The height, angle, and display methods of the display case all need to consider the viewing habits and comfort of the visitors. The labeling and guideposts of the display case also need to have clear indications and easy-to-use features to enhance the visitor's experience.




As museum display cases need to be used for a long time, maintenance is also a very important task. The design of display cases needs to consider the convenience and feasibility of maintenance and repair, so that maintenance and repair can be carried out after the exhibition ends. For example, the assembly and disassembly of display cases need to be simple and convenient, and easy to clean and maintain.


Compliance Requirements:


In the design of museum display cases, compliance requirements also need to be considered to ensure that the display cases comply with relevant safety and legal requirements. For example, the load-bearing capacity of display cases needs to be considered in display case design to comply with relevant safety standards. At the same time, the production of display cases also needs to comply with environmental protection requirements and relevant laws and regulations to ensure the quality and safety of display cases.

museum showcase and space design

All of the above factors are important considerations when designing and customizing museum display cases. The design of display cases needs to comprehensively consider these factors to create display cases that are more aesthetically appealing, safe, and user-friendly, providing visitors with a better viewing experience.

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